Tuesday 9 November 2021

Statement of intent

Title: The Mafia's Mission

An innocent man (protagonist) must complete his first of many tasks laid out by the mafia man (antagonist) . The first task will be to collect 8 pages hidden inside a long, dark alleyway. If this challenge is completed, then the protagonist will move on to the second task laid out by the antagonist. My two minute extract will appear in the ending of episode 1 as it is his first mission and once the mission is completed the episode ends.

I plan to meet the brief by adding two locations. These will be a dark alleyway and a dark room. These scenes will add a sense of mystery and suspense to the show. The two characters will be an innocent man who is dragged into strange challenges and the mafia man who has laid out these challenges for the innocent man. The innocent man is the protagonist and the mafia man is the antagonist. There will be quite a few camera shots such as close up and far range. This is because it will offer a wide variety of perspective on the scene. The narrative resolution will be the innocent man completing the mission. There will be lots of non-diegetic sound/music to add suspense to the story. These sounds will help to add a theme of anxiety and mystery to the scenes. The narrative resolution will be that the innocent man will complete the mission and move on to the next mission. I will create narrative resolution by finishing the episode shortly after the mission has been completed. I will make the protagonist feel happy that he has beaten the antagonist at task 1. The antagonist will feel shocked and angered that the innocent man has challenged him by defeating his first task. Victorius, joyful music will play once the protagonist completes the mission in order to contrast the suspenseful music that was playing whilst the protagonist was still trying to complete the task. A range of camerawork and editing will be used to give a full insight on the scenes. According to Propp's character theory, the antagionist will be the villain and the protagonist will be the hero. The villain in this story will try and stop the hero from completing the tasks. If the protagonist successfully completes these tasks, he will be proven worthy to the antagonist and can escape the capture and torture of the villain. The setting will be dark to add themes of mystery and the unknown. One of the props that will be used are the pages. The protagonist must collect these pages in order to progress through the mission. I will use an Asian character as my hero to subvert typical sterotypes of heroes.

My target audience will be Young teenagers/adults who enjoy themes of horror/mystery. They will be people who enjoy traditional horror/sci fi films/tv shows such as stranger things, IT and many other forms of horror in media. My TV show will target this specific audience by including all these themes of sci fi and horror and incoporating it in my show. The demographics of my audience would include middle class/working class people who love a good horror story and young adult/teenage males who are mostly interested in scary shows. The psychographics of my audience would be those who like to watch and consume horror media. The audience pleaseures that I will offer will be entertainment - horror/scifi story and personal Identity - the protagonist is a character who is struggling to complete a task, could represent the viewer's hardships in life.

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Statement of intent (updated)

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