Tuesday 6 April 2021

Galaxy 'Chauffeur' advert: blog tasks

 1) Why is the advert set in the 1950s? What audience pleasure does this provide?

Nostalgia to older demographics who are watching this advert as it reminds them of simpler times 

2) Which of Propp's character types are represented in the advert? (Note: just choose two or three character types that are definitely used in the advert - it does not use them all). 

The hero, the princess and the donor

3) How does the advert's narrative (story) follow Todorov's theory of equilibrium?

The hero saves the heroine

4) Who is Audrey Hepburn?

A famous British actor 

5) Why did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert? 

Because she is an icon of beauty from long ago

6) What is intertextuality

When one media references another

7) What Audrey Hepburn film is suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: costume, lighting, actors, make-up, props, setting)?

Roman holiday and it is shot in a beautiful italy village next to the coast at the evening time.

8) What are the connotations of Audrey Hepburn and celebrity in this advert? 

Fame, lookalike, makeup, clothing, beauty

9) What representations of gender can you find in this advert?

Typical gender roles, women in dresses and makeup, men as the car driver being the hero and saving the woman

10) Are stereotypes reinforced or subverted in the Galaxy advert? Give examples.

They are reinforced as it follows a typical damsel in distress story. The man lets the woman ride on his car so she doesn't have to wait for issues on the coach that are occurring

Statement of intent (updated)

Title: The Hallucination A person experiences a hallucination on an ordinary day, causing him to panic. The protagonist is the person who ex...